How can I make an order?
Contact us by email or phone and tell us what you need. Once we have solved all your doubts, you e-mail us your drafts and we start on.
How long does it take?
It depends on the number and/ or kind of sheets you need. Songs with chord, or songs of one staff can be delivered the same day of the order.
How do I pay?
You can pay into bank account or by email with PayPal (having a PayPal account is not necessary) First, you will be e-mailed a watermark sample of the work. If you agree with it, you make the payment and then you will get the whole unwatermarked work finished!
How much?
Rates may vary depending on the number and/or type of sheets you need. (E.g; songs of one melody rate is 12€ (EUR)/ 15$ (USD) per sheet). We do not make orders for an amount less than 24€ EUR (30$ USD). Please, contact us for further information.
How is work delivered?
By email, in PDF format.
Can you provide audio from a score?
Sure! We can generate a sound file in MIDI format, from a score. See details if the score is not an Edición Musical edition.
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